Making it legal.

One of the most important jobs of the wedding officiant is to assist the couple with the marriage license process. The Officiant’s signature on the license is essential to making the wedding legally binding.

My process:

The marriage license is always signed after the ceremony, never before. I recommend assigning a family member or friend to the task of keeping track of the marriage license the day of the ceremony. After you say your vows, share a kiss, and leave the altar, we step aside for a few moments to get the paperwork completed. This is usually when most couples pay their fee as well.

More about the process…



If you want witnesses to sign your license, they may do so. However, witnesses are not required in the state of Illinois, so this is optional.

Certified Copies:

After the paperwork is signed, your photographer may way to take a few photos. The marriage license usually comes in a pre-addressed envelope, and I will drop it in the mail immediately after your wedding. If you prefer, you can take the license to the courthouse yourself.

The couple does not keep the original marriage license. This goes on file at the courthouse, and the couple must request and pay for certified copies. The courthouse where you pick up your marriage license will give you details on their process for obtaining copies.

A keepsake for you:

Most counties will provide two forms to be filled out at the wedding. One is the legal document with must be returned to the courthouse within ten days of the wedding. The other is not a legal document, but this is a form that you can sign and keep as a way to remember this day.


How to get your marriage license:

By law, the wedding officiant is not allowed to get the marriage license for you. The couple must go to the courthouse with their ID and other important documents, and pick up the license in person. The couple may not get married on the day they pick up the license; you must wait 24 hours after getting the license to hold the ceremony. The license is good for 60 days. I recommend picking up your marriage license a week or two before the ceremony.

The marriage license must be from the county where your wedding ceremony takes place. For example, if you live in Bloomington but are getting married in Peoria, you must get license from the Peoria county courthouse.

Each county’s process is a little different. Links to their websites are on the right.